Protecting Youth Wellbeing: The Intersection of Systemic Racism & Overmedication in Juvenile Court

Webinar provided by the Gault Center on April 25, 2023.

This training provided an historical overview on the racialized use of medicine, provider bias, and cultural mistrust, followed by a discussion on practical tools youth defenders can utilize to litigate against medication conditions and/or misdiagnoses of youth in the juvenile legal system.

This training built upon Dr. Irwin’s presentation on April 10, 2023 on the overuse of psychiatric medication in the juvenile legal and child welfare systems by contextualizing the harms of overmedication and misdiagnoses of youth in the juvenile legal system from a structural racism lens.

File Type: www
Categories: Resource Library, Training, Video
Tags: Competence, Health & Mental Health, Racial Justice, Racial Justice Training Series, RJTS 2023, School and Special Education, Trauma