Gault Center Publications

Research Overview on Positive Youth Development

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Studies consistently confirm that incarcerating young people causes great harm, including increased victimization, recidivism, school drop-out, and long-term physical and mental health issues. Fortunately, research also identifies what young people need for positive, healthy development. Alternatives to incarceration, such as release schedules, should be crafted to ensure each young person has time for and access…

A Checklist to Assess the Presence of a Constitutional Violation under 34 U.S.C. 12601

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This checklist can be used to assess the presence of constitutional violations throughout the course of a client’s case. Please refer to the National Youth Defense Systems Standards and their accompanying User Guide for litigation strategies to challenge potential constitutional violations noted in this checklist.

National Youth Defense System Standards User Guide

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This User Guide provides advocates with a step-by-step outline of how to actualize the vision of the National Youth Defense System Standards to equip and invest in youth defense teams to fight for the liberation of all youth. The User Guide outlines constitutional rights detailed in the System Standards, provides a checklist to assess the…

A Tale of Two Systems: An Assessment of Access to & Quality of Youth Defense Counsel in Utah

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The Utah assessment is the 29th statewide assessment of youth defense delivery systems the Gault Center has conducted. These assessments gather information and data about the structure and funding of defense systems and examine whether youth receive counsel at all critical stages, the timing of appointments, waiver of counsel, youth defense resource allocation, supervision and…

A Call to Expand Post-Disposition Representation of Youth in the Juvenile Legal System

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In 2020, after the District of Columbia Court of Appeals released its decision in In re N.H.M., expanding DC youths’ access to post-disposition counsel, Open City Advocates, which represented N.H.M., contacted the Gault Center to explore how to support the expansion of post-disposition representation in other jurisdictions. We reviewed analyses of post-disposition representation of youth,…

Career Resource Guide 2023

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This guide contains the following resources to help interested students and graduates with their career search in the youth defense field: Overview of the Juvenile Legal Process Juvenile Court Terminology Youth Defense Policy and Practice Clinical Programs Public Interest Career Fairs Debt Management and Summer Funding Opportunities Project-Based, Post-Graduate Fellowships Youth Defense Policy and Practice…

National Youth Defense System Standards

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Outlines steps that states must take to comply with the minimum requirements of the U.S. Constitution to protect the rights of youth facing deprivations of liberty.

Futures in the Balance: Examples of How Juvenile Court Hurts Youth and Communities

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Involvement with the delinquency system—including arrests, charges that get dismissed, and adjudications— can create obstacles to a young person’s success. Many youth experience overwhelming hurdles because their juvenile records are available to the public, appear on background checks, or create long-term debt from fines and fees, which can result in denial of employment, housing, loans,…

Futures in the Balance: Disrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline

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Key Points: Testing limits is normal adolescent behavior. Young people act out, make mistakes, and push boundaries largely because the parts of their brains that regulate these behaviors are still being formed. Diverting youth from the legal system by keeping them in school can result in better life outcomes for young people. The legal system…

Seeing What’s Underneath: A Resource for Understanding Behavior & Using Language in Juvenile Court

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The words we choose have a significant impact on the young people we serve. We may inadvertently use language laden with bias, disapproval, and negative judgment that can impact youths’ perceptions of themselves. Our language can also impact our own thinking and decision-making. In Part I of this guide, we hope to break down some…

Due Process in the Time of COVID: Defenders as First Responders in a Juvenile Court System Struggling with the COVID-19 Pandemic

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In February and March 2020, as COVID-19 spread throughout the United States, NJDC recognized a crisis facing youth involved in the juvenile courts and the attorneys tasked with defending them. The contagious nature of COVID-19 and the public health protocols meant to mitigate transmission heightened risks to the health and wellbeing of youth entering the…

Futures in the Balance: Reforms that Keep Youth in School

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Referring young people to the legal system can negatively impact their life outcomes as it excludes them from school, disconnecting them from learning and engaging in prosocial activities. There may be times when schools need to seek assistance from law enforcement, but for the vast majority of situations, a variety of levers exist outside of…

Futures in the Balance: Myths and Facts About the Impacts of Juvenile Court

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Numerous myths and misconceptions exist about involvement with the juvenile legal system and the effects it can have on a young person’s trajectory to success. Many people have misconceptions about the mostly unrealized benefits of juvenile court, thinking juvenile court is a benevolent system of support that does not lead to longterm negative outcomes. The…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in Texas

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This guide provides information about what obstacles may lie ahead and how to prepare yourself as you move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system. Your juvenile record can affect your life for years to come. But you can still pursue your goals and build a bright future by understanding…

What Young People Are Saying About Juvenile Defense: Learning from the Experiences of Former Youth Clients

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The perspectives of young people with system experience are particularly important in efforts to strengthen and improve juvenile defense advocacy. With the state, prosecutors, victims, witnesses, law enforcement, and probation officers on the other side of the table, youth rely on their defender to hear and honor their voices and ensure they are full participants…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in Massachusetts

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This guide provides information about what obstacles may lie ahead and how to prepare yourself as you move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system. Your juvenile record can affect your life for years to come. But you can still pursue your goals and build a bright future by understanding…

Have a Juvenile Record in Kansas?: Plan for Your Future

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As you move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this summary provides information about what obstacles may lie ahead and how to prepare yourself. The court and police paperwork about your juvenile court involvement is called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to come.…

Have a Juvenile Record in New Hampshire? Plan for Your Future!

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This summary provides information about what obstacles may lie ahead and how to prepare yourself as you move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system. Your juvenile record can affect your life for years to come. But you can still pursue your goals and build a bright future by understanding…

National Juvenile Defender Center Racial Justice Statement

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To promote justice for all children, the National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) must actively work to counteract the deeply rooted systemic biases that disproportionately impact Black, Latinx, Asian, Native, Indigenous, and all youth who experience disparate treatment because of their race or ethnicity at every stage of the juvenile legal system.

Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement: Obstacles to Opportunities

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This bench card is intended to assist judges in considering the consequences of juvenile court involvement that may adversely affect public safety and positive youth development. The bench card is not intended to impinge upon or alter constitutional or statutory responsibilities of the court. Judges and attorneys have different ethical responsibilities but share the goal…

National Juvenile Defender Center Statement on Recent Deaths of Black Americans & Need to Dismantle Systemic Racism

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National Juvenile Defender Center Statement on Recent Deaths of Black Americans & Need to Dismantle Systemic Racism release on May 29, 2020  

Special Caution Required: The Realities of Youth Interrogation

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A fact sheet highlighting the need for young people to have counsel during interrogation.

National Juvenile Defender Center Statement on COVID-19 Pandemic & Urgent Need for Juvenile Legal System to Act

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National Juvenile Defender Center Statement on COVID-19 Pandemic & Urgent Need for Juvenile Legal System to Act, issued on April 2, 2020.

Guidance to Juvenile Courts on Conducting Remote Hearings During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Youth defender checklist on remote hearings during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Cost of Juvenile Probation: A Critical Look into the Harms of Juvenile Supervision Fees

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Infographic on the harms of supervision fees on young people.