Washington State Jails Coronavirus Management Suggestions in 3 “Buckets” (Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs)

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Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement: An Opportunity for Partnership

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The Criminalization of Childhood (2019)

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Most states do not set a minimum age of prosecution in juvenile court. And although common sense knowledge of child development1 and international standards2 compel removal of younger children from the juvenile legal system, states have yet to heed the call. Because younger children are inherently more vulnerable,3 they should not be subject to the…

CAUTION: Collateral Consequences: Obstructing the Pathway to Young People’s Success

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This publication covers the ways in which the collateral consequences of juvenile court involvement and the longevity and availability of juvenile court records directly interfere with the very things that help young people succeed.

Where Are There Statewide Bans on Automatic Juvenile Shackling (2019)

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A list covering states that ban shackling young people and those that do not.

Broken Contracts: Contract Counsel Toolkit

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As juvenile defense system stakeholders consider creating or reforming their contract counsel system, it is important to start with a full understanding of the contracting process and system. The considerations and recommendations provided within this publication may need to be modified for the specifics of your jurisdiction.

Broken Contracts: Reimagining High-Quality Representation of Youth in Contract and Appointed Counsel Systems

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Young people facing delinquency charges need and deserve full access to high-quality, zealous defense representation, regardless of where they live. Even in counties with public defenders, at least some of the attorneys appointed to represent youth in delinquency court are engaged through a contract or other court-appointment system. It is, therefore, imperative that policymakers, defense…

San Francisco Youth Interrogation Ordinance

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A Radical Model for Decriminalization: Research Model & Initial Findings

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Eliminating Shackling in Juvenile Court: Continuing the Momentum (2019)

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A guide to states that ban indiscriminate shackling of young people and those that do not.

Diez Principios Fundamentales: Para Prestar Representación Legal de Alta Calidad a Delincuentes Juveniles Dentro Del Sistema de Defensores Públicos

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Los Diez Principios Fundamentales Para Prestar Representación Legal de Alta Cali dad a Delincuentes Juveniles dentro del Sistema de Defensores Públicos provee el criterio para implementar al sistema de defensores públicos la decisión de la corte en el caso In re Gault. Estos Principios son una guía para que los directores de las oficinas de…

A Right to Liberty: Reforming Juvenile Money Bail

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The National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) performed a qualitative study to better understand bail practices in juvenile courts at the local level, and to ensure juvenile money bail is included in the national movement on bail reform. NJDC emailed an electronic survey to a select number of juvenile defenders from all 50 states, the District…

Juvenile Defense Manager-Supervisor Tool for Best Practices in Detention Advocacy

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This tool is designed to provide guidance for managers and supervisors in juvenile defender organizations to identify, develop, and promote strategies and interventions that will heighten the level of advocacy aimed at minimizing the detention of juveniles.

Youth Incarceration by the Numbers: United States and Delaware

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Myth vs. Fact: Youth Transfer Laws

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Graduated Responses Toolkit: New Resources and Insights to Help Youth Succeed on Probation

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Why Juvenile Defense Matters Fact Sheet

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Infographic on the importance of specialized youth defense practice.

Issue Brief-The Cost of Juvenile Probation: A Critical Look into Juvenile Supervision Fees

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The National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) conducted a national survey on the practice and enforcement of supervision fees assessed for a child’s time on juvenile probation. Juvenile defenders and juvenile probation officers from the 50 states and D.C. were interviewed by NJDC legal staff to uncover the prevalence and impact of supervision fee practices on…

Defend Children Executive Summary: A Blueprint for Effective Juvenile Defender Services

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An infographic outlining steps towards a more effective juvenile defense system.

Access Denied: A National Snapshot of States’ Failure to Protect Children’s Right to Counsel

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The Snapshot is based on a state-by-state analysis of the statutes that govern children’s access to counsel and interviews with juvenile defenders about how statutes and court rules translate into practice. The interviews were conducted with attorneys in urban and rural areas to explore differences in practices and resources. In total, 70 interviews were completed…

Youth on Probation: Bringing a 20th Century Service Into a Developmentally Friendly 21st Century World

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Electronic Monitoring of Youth in the California Juvenile Justice System

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The Role of Defense Counsel at Disposition (2016)

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An introduction to the role and obligations of the juvenile defender at disposition in juvenile court.

Promoting Positive Development: The Critical Need to Reform Youth Probation Orders

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Probation is the most common disposition in juvenile court when youth are adjudicated delinquent. In 2013, formal probation was ordered in 64% of adjudicated delinquency cases.  Though intended to lead youth toward success, unwieldy conditions of probation can lead to technical violations and cause lasting harm in the lives of children, including removal from their…

The Fragmented State of Juvenile Indigent Defense

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Infographic on the disparate systems of juvenile defense across the United States and territories.