Practice Tool
Disposition determines the scope of the juvenile court system’s continued involvement in a child’s life and any infringements upon their liberty. While client-directed advocacy is important at all stages, it is critical at disposition, especially in cases when the client is facing a serious charge, has a significant court history, or is viewed as “high…
Models for Change is an effort to create successful and replicable models of juvenile justice reform through targeted investments in key states, with core support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Models for Change seeks to accelerate the progress toward a more efficient, fair, and developmentally sound juvenile justice system that holds…
An introduction to the role and obligations of the juvenile defender at disposition in juvenile court.
Infographic on building effective partnerships between defenders, clients, and families.
This resource brief addresses the unique considerations associated with representing dual status youth and offers practice tips for juvenile defenders to help navigate the terrain. This resource brief also explores the growing reform trend of multi-system collaboration and coordination to improve outcomes for dual status youth and offers guidance in this arena as well.
For any young person, navigating the juvenile delinquency process can be daunting. Youth are required to understand, make decisions, and act on their rights and responsibilities in court. Yet courtinvolved youth are likely to face challenges that impact their ability to understand and participate in juvenile court. The legal jargon, abstract language, and complex terminology…
This resource brief is intended to support juvenile defense advocacy by providing an overview of some of the latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) revisions, as well as recommendations and implications for juvenile defense practice. The DSM is a classification manual for mental health professionals with itemized criteria for diagnosing disorders. Juvenile…
These principles are developed as a resource to help defenders and other juvenile court professionals understand the elements of effective detention advocacy on behalf of indigent juvenile clients. Defenders can be at a distinct disadvantage at the detention determination, whether it is at the beginning of the case, when indigent defense counsel often has the…
The juvenile court system is a very complicated and confusing place for anyone who does not regularly work within it. Court involvement can be a extremely stressful process in which children and their families feel like they are being judged and imposed upon at every turn. For all the reasons outlined in this fact sheet,…