Report to the Governor and General Assembly on Virginia’s Juvenile Justice System

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Report and Recommendations to Address Race in Washington Juvenile Legal System

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How-To-Guide on Legislative Advocacy: “Ensuring Access for Youth of Color: Raising Race in Policy Advocacy”

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Youth Prisons (Maryland Office of the Public Defender)

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Sample Racial Justice Legislation & Policy

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The Disparate Impact of the Maryland Rules on Black and Brown Individuals: Report to the Rules Review Subcommittee of the Maryland Judiciary’s Committee on Equal Justice

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Raise the Age (Maryland Office of the Public Defender)

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Probation (Maryland Office of the Public Defender)

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Demanding a More Mature Miranda for Kids

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Minimum Age (Maryland Office of the Public Defender)

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Metropolitan Police Department Performance Oversight Hearing (District of Columbia)

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Juvenile Justice Reform Act Testimony (Maryland)

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Juvenile Interrogation Protection Act Testimony (Maryland)

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Diversion (Maryland Office of the Public Defender)

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Detention (Maryland Office of the Public Defender)

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Comprehensive Policing & Justice Reform Amendment Act Testimony (District of Columbia)

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Alternatives to Policing Roundtable Testimony (District of Columbia)

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