Listening to Black Women and Girls: Lived Experience of Adultification Bias

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Girlhood Interrupted: The Erasure of Black Girls’ Childhood

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Equitable Defense: Holistic Defense for Court-Appointed Counsel Cases

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This position paper reviews the research on disparities in justice system outcomes based on whether a person is represented by a public defender or by court-appointed private counsel finding that court-appointed counsel achieve less favorable outcomes due largely to differences in compensation and resources available to them. The paper also reviews the literature on the…

Psychosocial Maturity and Desistance From Crime in a Sample of Serious Juvenile Offenders

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Barriers to Wellness: Voices and Views from Young People in Five Cities

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Teens Impulsively React Rather than Retreat from Threat

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Misdemeanor Prosecution

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Highlights from Pathways to Desistance: A Longitudinal Study of Serious Adolescent Offenders

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Taking the Next Step in Miranda Evaluations: Considering Racial Trauma and the Impact of Prior Police Contact

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Racial Differences in Legal Socialization Models Across Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood

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Examining the Consequences of Dehumanization and Adultification in Justification of Police Use of Force Against Black Girls and Boys

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Does “Jamal” Receive a Harsher Sentence Than “James”? First-Name Bias in the Criminal Sentencing of Black Men

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Community Crime, Poverty, and Proportion of Black Residents Influence Police Descriptions of Adolescents

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Adolescents Engage in More Risky Decision Making

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Written testimony of Elizabeth Cauffman, Ph.D. Department of Psychological Science University of California and Irvine Arielle Baskin-Sommers, Ph.D. Department of Psychology Yale University

Indigent Defense Environmental Scan: Identifying Research Needs to Support Fair and Equitable Indigent Defense in the United States

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Duren Banks et al., Priority Crim. Just. Needs Initiative (2023). This report details gaps in research around the provision of public defense and provides recommendations for addressing those needs. Researchers completed a comprehensive scan of the current literature around the needs of public defense systems, obtained input from practitioners, and reviewed priorities of federal and…

Impact on Child Justice in a World of Digital Courts: Perspectives from the Bench

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What We Need to Thrive: A Youth-Led Vision for a Just Alameda County 

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The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and Ceres Policy Research Center partnered with youth leaders in Alameda County, California, to assess the current landscape of the juvenile legal system and outline a youth-centered vision for the future. Utilizing a youth participatory action research protocol, this report relied on youth leaders to design and implement…

A Critical Discussion of Youth Miranda Waivers, Racial Inequity, and Proposed Policy Reforms

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Sydney Baker et al., 29 Psychol. Pub. Pol’y & L. 320 (2023). This article is a call to action for the research community and advocates to engage youth and families with lived experience in the legal system in research on the impacts of race, development, and identity on youth interrogations. The authors detail the limitations…

Spotlight on Culture-Conversations about Historical Trauma: Part Three

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Spotlight on Culture-Conversations about Historical Trauma: Part Two

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Spotlight on Culture-Conversations about Historical Trauma: Part One

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Pandemic Preparedness and Response: Correctional Facilities Washington State Department of Health

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Retaining a Forensic Mental Health Expert in Miller Cases

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The Dangers of Detention: Using Research to Prevent or Limit Juvenile Incarceration

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Be Her Resource: A Toolkit About School Resource Officers and Girls of Color

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