Eliminating Shackling in Juvenile Court: Continuing the Momentum (2019)

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A guide to states that ban indiscriminate shackling of young people and those that do not.

Achieving Excellence in Detention Advocacy: Guidelines for Juvenile Defenders to Provide Zealous Advocacy at Initial Detention Hearings

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These guidelines are designed to assist defenders in assessing their advocacy at the traditional, threepart initial hearings held in most jurisdictions: arraignment, the probable cause determination, and the detention hearing. In some jurisdictions, these are all collapsed into a single hearing. Because many jurisdictions still allow children to waive their right to counsel and/or plead…

Diez Principios Fundamentales: Para Prestar Representación Legal de Alta Calidad a Delincuentes Juveniles Dentro Del Sistema de Defensores Públicos

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Los Diez Principios Fundamentales Para Prestar Representación Legal de Alta Cali dad a Delincuentes Juveniles dentro del Sistema de Defensores Públicos provee el criterio para implementar al sistema de defensores públicos la decisión de la corte en el caso In re Gault. Estos Principios son una guía para que los directores de las oficinas de…

A Right to Liberty: Resources for Challenging the Detention of Children

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The use of cash bail in the criminal legal system—as one option of conditional release—was established for the sole purpose of ensuring the accused’s presence in court. However, when the bail amount is set at a figure higher than the amount reasonably calculated to fulfill this purpose, it is deemed excessive under the Eighth Amendment.…

Applying Principles of Adolescent Development in Delinquency Proceedings

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The United States Supreme Court has cited a comprehensive body of research on adolescent development in its opinions examining youth sentencing, culpability, and custody. Several key characteristics of youth have been noted in each of these opinions and must be considered in judicial decision-making and interactions with youth in court. We encourage judges to read…

A Right to Liberty: Reforming Juvenile Money Bail

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The National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) performed a qualitative study to better understand bail practices in juvenile courts at the local level, and to ensure juvenile money bail is included in the national movement on bail reform. NJDC emailed an electronic survey to a select number of juvenile defenders from all 50 states, the District…

Motion for Child to Appear Free from Degrading and Unlawful Restraints (Florida)

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Juvenile Defense Manager-Supervisor Tool for Best Practices in Detention Advocacy

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This tool is designed to provide guidance for managers and supervisors in juvenile defender organizations to identify, develop, and promote strategies and interventions that will heighten the level of advocacy aimed at minimizing the detention of juveniles.

Youth Incarceration by the Numbers: United States and Delaware

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Myth vs. Fact: Youth Transfer Laws

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A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in Virginia

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As you move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles may lay ahead and how to prepare yourself. The court paperwork about your case is called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to come. But you can still…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in New Jersey

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As you move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles may lay ahead and how to prepare yourself. The court and police paperwork about your case is called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to come. But you…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in Ohio

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As you move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles may lay ahead and how to prepare yourself. The court and police paperwork about your case is called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to come. But you…

Graduated Responses Toolkit: New Resources and Insights to Help Youth Succeed on Probation

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California v. Male Client – Implied Waiver and Voluntariness (Appellant’s Opening Brief)

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A Juvenile Defender’s Guide to Conquering Collateral Consequences

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Including arrests, dismissed petitions, and adjudications – can create long-term barriers to a young person’s employment, housing, and educational opportunities. Juvenile defenders can break down these barriers by discussing these consequences with their clients, mitigating potential harms, and building pathways to success. Understanding collateral consequences is critical to every plea or diversion negotiation, could impact…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in Minnesota

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As you begin to move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles lay ahead and how to prepare yourself. The court and police paperwork about your case is called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to come. But…

Juvenile Defender’s Guide to Immigration Issues in Juvenile Proceedings

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This guide is designed to provide necessary information to juvenile defenders representing children whose juvenile court involvement may trigger immigration consequences. Although a finding of delinquency is not a “conviction” for purposes of immigration (and, thus, does not have the same dire consequences as a conviction), a juvenile arrest, charge, or adjudication may nonetheless trigger…

Addressing Bias in Delinquency and Child Welfare Systems

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Developmental research shows that behaviors and characteristics common in adolescence are consistent across all races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic groups. These studies, controlling for race and ethnicity, found no significant difference in key features of adolescent development, such as impulsivity, sensation seeking, susceptibility to peer influence, and a limited ability to plan ahead or anticipate consequences.…

Confined Without Cause: The Constitutional Right to Prompt Probable Cause Determinations for Youth

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A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in South Carolina

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As you begin to move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles lay ahead and how to prepare yourself for them. The court and police paperwork about your case are called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in Washington

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As you begin to move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles lay ahead and how to prepare yourself for them. The court and police paperwork about your case are called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in Missouri

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As you begin to move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles lay ahead and how to prepare yourself for them. The court and police paperwork about your case are called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to…

A Young Person Just Got Arrested: What Do You Do Within the First 24 Hours? (Brochure)

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Your Juvenile Record Can Affect Your Future Brochure

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A guide to frequently asked questions about juvenile court records.