Motion to Reduce Level of Detention

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Why (Jury-Less) Juvenile Courts Are Unconstitutional

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Brain Science and the Theory of Juvenile Mens Rea

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Teens Impulsively React Rather than Retreat from Threat

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The Effects of Adolescent Development on Policing

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U.S. Age Boundaries of Delinquency 2015

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Kids Will be Kids: Time for a “Reasonable Child” Standard for the Proof of Objective Mens Rea Elements

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Sample Motion to Adopt Reasonable Child Standard

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Misdemeanor Prosecution

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A More Grown-Up Response to Ordinary Adolescent Behaviors: Repealing PINS Laws to Protect and Empower D.C. Youth

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Create New Opportunities for “Persons In Need of Supervision” (PINS) to Succeed Without Legal System Intervention

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Unshackled: Stories of Redemption Among Serious Youth Offenders

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Highlights from Pathways to Desistance: A Longitudinal Study of Serious Adolescent Offenders

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Centering Youth Voice in Juvenile Justice Reform: A Brief Summary Report of Youth Experiences

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Taking the Next Step in Miranda Evaluations: Considering Racial Trauma and the Impact of Prior Police Contact

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Racial Differences in Legal Socialization Models Across Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood

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Examining the Consequences of Dehumanization and Adultification in Justification of Police Use of Force Against Black Girls and Boys

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Does “Jamal” Receive a Harsher Sentence Than “James”? First-Name Bias in the Criminal Sentencing of Black Men

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Community Crime, Poverty, and Proportion of Black Residents Influence Police Descriptions of Adolescents

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No Child Left Confined: Challenging the Digital Convict Lease

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This article is a transcript of a lecture given by Professor Chaz P. Arnett at a Symposium hosted by the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law’s Journal of Health Care Law & Policy. Professor Arnett discusses juvenile courts’ increased reliance on electronic monitoring, which he classifies as “e-carceration,” or the “the digital…

Overmedication and Misdiagnoses Guide

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Adolescents Engage in More Risky Decision Making

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Written testimony of Elizabeth Cauffman, Ph.D. Department of Psychological Science University of California and Irvine Arielle Baskin-Sommers, Ph.D. Department of Psychology Yale University

U.S. Statement of Interest, Alex A. v. Gov. John Bel Edwards

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No. 3:22-cv-00573 (M.D. La. 2023). The U.S. Department of Justice filed a statement of interest in a civil lawsuit addressing the constitutional rights of youth who had been adjudicated delinquent and transferred to the Louisiana State Penitentiary’s former death row building, known as Angola. In their statement, the United States asserted that youth are particularly…

Changing Course in Youth Detention: Reversing Widening Gaps by Race and Place

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The Annie E. Casey Found. (2023). The Annie E. Casey Foundation undertook a three-year analysis from January 2020 to January 2023 of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on juvenile detention rates. The analysis concluded with three main findings: 1) Black youth were ten times more likely to be detained than white youth in 2023;…

National Public Defense Workload Study

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Nicholas M. Pace et al., Rand Corp. (2023). This report showcases the results of collaborative research on public defense workloads from the RAND Corporation, the National Center for State Courts, the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defense, and the Law Office of Lawyer Hanlon. This research is intended to update…