Letter of Amicus Curiae in Support of Petition for Review in People v. Flores (California)

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In re D.S. Appellant’s Brief (Maryland)

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Final Amended Brief of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire as Amici Curiae in Support of Defendant (New Hampshire)

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Brief on the Merits of Amici Curiae (Oregon)

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Brief Challenging Court’s Finding on Consent to Search (New Jersey)

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Amicus Brief in Support of Defendant-Appellant Tykorie Evelyn (Massachusetts)

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What Juvenile Defense Lawyers Should Do to Protect Civil Rights Claims and Advocate for Juvenile Justice Reform

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Motion to Exclude Tangible Evidence and Motion for Sanctions

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Arizona v. Tyler B. Opinion

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In the Matter of T.A.S. Amicus Brief

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Defending Students who have been Stopped, Searched, or Interrogated at School

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School-based arrests have long made up a substantial number of cases in the juvenile legal system. As a result, youth defenders often represent clients who have been seized, searched, or interrogated on school grounds. This guide provides a general overview of the law governing school seizures, searches, and interrogations and practice tips for challenging evidence…