Early Access to Counsel in Police Precincts Best Practices and Recommendations

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Early Access to Legal Counsel for Youth: An Implementation Study of California Senate Bills 395 and 203

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Gideon at Sixty: Advancing the Right to Counsel for Kids in Cuyahoga County

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The Wren Collective (2023). This independent report by the Wren Collective examines youth defense appointment practices in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and finds that juvenile court judges are routinely assigning private attorneys over public defenders to represent youth in juvenile court. Specifically, the public defender’s office was appointed to 25% of the juvenile delinquency cases in…

National Youth Defense System Standards

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Outlines steps that states must take to comply with the minimum requirements of the U.S. Constitution to protect the rights of youth facing deprivations of liberty.

National Juvenile Defender Center Recommendations for the Biden/Harris Administration

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Encouraging Judges to Support Zealous Defense Advocacy from Detention to Post-Disposition: An Overview of the Juvenile Delinquency Guidelines of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges

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Broken Contracts: Contract Counsel Toolkit

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As juvenile defense system stakeholders consider creating or reforming their contract counsel system, it is important to start with a full understanding of the contracting process and system. The considerations and recommendations provided within this publication may need to be modified for the specifics of your jurisdiction.

Broken Contracts: Reimagining High-Quality Representation of Youth in Contract and Appointed Counsel Systems

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Young people facing delinquency charges need and deserve full access to high-quality, zealous defense representation, regardless of where they live. Even in counties with public defenders, at least some of the attorneys appointed to represent youth in delinquency court are engaged through a contract or other court-appointment system. It is, therefore, imperative that policymakers, defense…

Defend Children Executive Summary: A Blueprint for Effective Juvenile Defender Services

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An infographic outlining steps towards a more effective juvenile defense system.

Access Denied: A National Snapshot of States’ Failure to Protect Children’s Right to Counsel

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The Snapshot is based on a state-by-state analysis of the statutes that govern children’s access to counsel and interviews with juvenile defenders about how statutes and court rules translate into practice. The interviews were conducted with attorneys in urban and rural areas to explore differences in practices and resources. In total, 70 interviews were completed…

Commemorating Gault at 50

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Fifty years ago, the United States Supreme Court said that children have fundamental rights in America’s courtrooms. In the nearly five decades since then, the promise of Gault has not been realized. It is time to fulfill that promise. Justice demands that all children in juvenile court have meaningful access to qualified counsel.

Honoring Gault: Ensuring Access to Counsel in Delinquency Proceedings

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Every jurisdiction is different and has different resources and laws governing whether children have access to counsel and at what stage in the proceedings. The recommendations that follow may be more difficult to implement in some jurisdictions than others. It is hoped that to the extent the recommendations cannot be fully implemented within your jurisdiction,…

Issue Brief: Rethinking Juvenile Detention in Ohio

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Testimony of Tim Curry, Managing Attorney, National Juvenile Defender Center on Access to Justice in the United States

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Issue Brief-Raising the Bar with Comprehensive Juvenile Indigent Defense Contracts

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Quality legal representation informed by social science research and best practices is integral to ensuring the fair administration of justice in the juvenile delinquency system. The importance of a youth’s access to knowledgeable, well-resourced juvenile indigent defense counsel cannot be overstated. The prevalence of lowbid, flat-fee contracting schemes for court-appointed and contract juvenile indigent defense…

The Legal Defense of Juveniles: Struggling but Pushing Forward

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The Importance of Early Appointment of Counsel in Juvenile Court

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Models for Change Innovation Brief: Early Appointment of Counsel

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United States Department of Justice Investigation of the Shelby County Juvenile Court

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In re Gault: Pocket Gault Opinion

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This pocket edition of the In re Gault opinion provides juvenile defenders, children’s advocates, and champions of justice with an invaluable tool: the constitutional mandate for the protection of children’s rights.

Bellevue School District v. E.S. Opinion

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In re M.W. Amicus Brief

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Report to the Colorado General Assembly: Juvenile Defense Attorney Interim Committee

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Cause of Action

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Creates a case for holding states liable for abdicating their duty to ensure that all children have zealous representation.

Defend Children: A Blueprint for Effective Juvenile Defender Services

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Provides a framework for developing effective youth defense systems.