Applying Principles of Adolescent Development in Delinquency Proceedings

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The United States Supreme Court has cited a comprehensive body of research on adolescent development in its opinions examining youth sentencing, culpability, and custody. Several key characteristics of youth have been noted in each of these opinions and must be considered in judicial decision-making and interactions with youth in court. We encourage judges to read…

Youth on Probation: Bringing a 20th Century Service Into a Developmentally Friendly 21st Century World

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Montgomery v. Louisiana Mitigation Report

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The Supreme Court and the Transformation of Juvenile Sentencing

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Studying Deterrence Among High-Risk Adolescents

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Shackling Children in Court: Implications for Adolescent Development

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Legal Socialization of Children and Adolescents

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Issue Brief: Using Developmentally Appropriate Language to Communicate with Court-Involved Youth

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For any young person, navigating the juvenile delinquency process can be daunting. Youth are required to understand, make decisions, and act on their rights and responsibilities in court. Yet courtinvolved youth are likely to face challenges that impact their ability to understand and participate in juvenile court. The legal jargon, abstract language, and complex terminology…

Reward-Biased Risk Appraisal and Its Relation to Juvenile Versus Adult Crime

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Models for Change Innovation Brief: Model Juvenile Court Colloquies

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Roper v. Simmons, 543 U.S. 551 (2005)

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Criminalizing Normal Adolescent Behavior in Communities of Color: The Role of Prosecutors in Juvenile Justice Reform

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United States Department of Justice Investigation of the Shelby County Juvenile Court

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Washington Judicial Colloquies Project: A Guide for Improving Communication and Understanding in Juvenile Court

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Toward Developmentally Appropriate Practice: A Juvenile Court Training Curriculum – Overview

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Intended for juvenile court judges, defense attorneys, prosecutors, and probation staff, the curriculum provides in-depth training materials on the most up-to-date adolescent development research and its application to juvenile court practice. As a part of the MacArthur Foundation’s project, Models for Change: Systems Reform in Juvenile Justice, this curriculum is available to jurisdictions across the…

Miller v. Alabama, 567 U.S. 460 (2012)

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Affidavit of Dr. Larry Burd

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Improving Training, Interviewing Skills When Investigating Pre-Teens, Adolescents

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Waving Good-Bye to Waiver: A Developmental Argument Against Youths’ Waiver of Miranda Rights

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Trial Defense Guidelines: Representing a Child Client Facing a Possible Life Sentence

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Affidavit of Dr. Gwyneth Campbell Rost, Ph.D.

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Affidavit of Dr. Robert Bidwell

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Testimony and Interrogation of Minors: Assumptions About Maturity and Morality

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Affidavit of Dr. Gwen Wurm

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Affidavit of Dr. Donald Rosenblitt

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