Alternatives to Incarceration

The Role of the Judge in Transforming Juvenile Probation: A Toolkit for Leadership

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From the introduction: “In the 2020 survey, an overwhelming majority of judges and probation administrators responded that efforts to promote probation practice changes should be grounded in research and be data-driven. In addition, most indicated that support for probation transformation would grow if reforms helped to address the challenge of improving racial/ethnic equity. More specifically,…

Young, Black, and Wrongfully Charged: A Cumulative Disadvantage Framework

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From the abstract: “The term wrongful conviction typically refers to the conviction or adjudication of individuals who are factually innocent. Decades of research has rightfully focused on uncovering contributing factors of convictions of factually innocent people to inform policy and practice. However, in this paper we expand our conceptualization of wrongful conviction. Specifically, we propose…

Alternatives to Policing Roundtable Testimony

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Comprehensive Policing & Justice Reform Amendment Act Testimony (District of Columbia)

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Juvenile Justice Reform Act Testimony

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Metropolitan Police Department Performance Oversight Hearing

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Broken Bridges: How Juvenile Placements Cut Off Youth from Communities and Successful Futures

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Community-Based Responses to Justice-Involved Young Adults

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From the forward: “This paper raises important questions about the criminal justice system’s response to young adults. Recent advances in behavior and neuroscience research confirm that brain development continues well into a person’s 20s, meaning that young adults have more psychosocial similarities to children than to older adults. This developmental distinction should help inform the…