Conditions of Confinement

An Overview of Youth Rights in Facilities

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The Gault Ctr. (October 2023). This resource provides an overview of the constitutional and federal laws that are implicated when young people are placed in juvenile or adult facilities and includes concrete examples of common violations. This resource offers an introduction for youth defenders on how to spot federal and constitutional violations based on conditions…

Youth Prisons Policy Brief

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Advocates in Maryland created a series of short policy briefs to educate community members about pressing issues. You can see the others in this series here under “Sample Legislative Advocacy Briefs” on the Policy Page of the Racial Justice Toolkit.

Juvenile Facilities Checklist For Defenders: Advocating for the Safety and Well-Being of Young People

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Youth facing time in both secure and non-secure facilities need vigilant advocates who can monitor the conditions of these facilities, and can either prevent the young person’s placement, limit the young person’s length of time in placement, and/or intervene on the young person’s behalf while they are at the placement. Juvenile defenders are ethically bound…

Broken Bridges: How Juvenile Placements Cut Off Youth from Communities and Successful Futures

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Unlocking Youth: Strong Juvenile Defense

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The Harmful Use of Isolation in Juvenile Facilities: The Need for Post-Disposition Representation

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In re O.S. Amicus Brief

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Education as Crime Prevention: Providing Education to Prisoners

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This research brief presents the most recent data on the impact of education on crime and crime prevention, and examines the debate on providing higher education to inmates.