Certification of Darcella Sessomes

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Certification of Alfred Kandell

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Response to Order to Show Cause (New Jersey)

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Brief of Office of the Public Defender and ACLU of New Jersey In the Matter of the Request to Modify Prison Sentences, Expedite Parole Hearings, and Identify Vulnerable Prisoners

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Sample Motion Opposing Trial by Videoconferencing Technology

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Physicians for Criminal Justice Reform Recommendations on COVID-19 and Pepper Spray in Juvenile Facilities

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Practice Tips to Remember in Video Court

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Pegasus Legal Services for Children Letter to Children Youth and Families Department re COVID-19

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In re: J.B., L.H., L.S., R.P. v. Finan Amicus Brief

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Motion to Vacate, Set Aside, or Amend Final Judgment, Pursuant to CR 60.02, CR 60.03, and/or the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution (Kentucky)

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Motion for Release from Detention Due to COVID-19 Pandemic (Alabama)

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Motion for Release from Commitment to the Department of Youth Services Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, Etc. (Alabama)

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Application for Immediate and Extraordinary Relief Brief of Petitioners (Maryland)

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Washington Defender Association Letter to Washington State Supreme Court re Supplemental Info for Proposed Juvenile Court Order on COVID-19

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Washington Defender Association Letter to Washington State Supreme Court re COVID-19

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Affidavit of Dr. Danielle C. Ompad, PhD. Regarding SARS-CoV-2 Infection (otherwise known as COVID-19) in Correctional Settings

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Declaration of Dr. Antoinette Kavanaugh, Ph.D., ABPP

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Juvenile Defender Checklist on Remote Hearings During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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As a general principle and under normal circumstances, the National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) strongly opposes the use of remote hearings in juvenile delinquency proceedings. Remote hearings present serious due process concerns, as they create insurmountable barriers to effective assistance of counsel, harm attorney-client relationships and confidentiality, and lead to worse outcomes for youth. However,…

Physician Declaration on Increased COVID-19 Infection Risk due to Mental Health Disorders in Detained Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers

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Declaration of Dr. Nancy Yvonne Wang

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Declaration of Dr. Julie DeAun Graves

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Declaration of Dr. Jaimie Meyer

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Emergency Motion for Pretrial Release Due to Public Health and Safety Threat Posed by COVID-19 Pandemic (North Carolina)

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Memorandum in Support of Oral Argument for Release (California)

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Affidavit of Dr. Ruth Mullowney-Agra

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