Kids You Throw Away: New Jersey’s Indiscriminate Prosecution of Children as Adults

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From the Summary: “This report examines the devastating impact of New Jersey’s waiver practices, a system that disproportionately harms youth of color, sidelines judicial oversight, and prioritizes punishment over rehabilitation. It explores the systemic failures that lead to the prosecution of children as adults, the profound human costs for the youth and their families, and…

Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention – Report to Congress and the White House FY23-24

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Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention — Independent Practitioner Report on Youth Justice

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Mathis v. United States Parole Commission – Court Decision

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From the memorandum opinion: “Two men on lifetime parole claim they face disability discrimination from two federal agencies that supervise them. So these men, William Mathis and Kennedy Davis (together, “the Parolees”), now sue those federal agencies, the U.S. Parole Commission and the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency, and the heads of those agencies…

Overuse of Psychiatric Medication in the Juvenile Legal & Child Welfare Systems

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A webinar from April 10, 2023 with Dr. Martin Irwin, MD, Clinical Professor at the NYU School of Medicine, Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Multiple studies have concluded that children in the juvenile legal system or foster care, many of whom are victims of abuse and trauma, are prescribed psychiatric medication at a rate…

FASD & Youth: What Defenders Need to Know

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On March 24, 2021, NJDC and the Mid-Atlantic Juvenile Defender Center hosted a webinar titled FASD & Youth: What Defenders Need to Know. This video includes information about FASD provided by Dr. Larry Burd. Portions of the webinar addressing defense strategies have been edited out of this public version. Description of the webinar: Approximately five…

From Suspension to Mass Incarceration: Punishment of Students with Special Needs and the School-to-Prison Pipeline

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From the abstract: “Since their inception in the late 1980s, zero-tolerance policies have been a cornerstone of American school discipline. Passed by legislators with the intent of protecting school children, these policies have disparately upended the education of marginalized students. School discipline of vulnerable students often paves the way to juvenile incarceration, which in turn…

Mathis v. United States Parole Commission – Complaint

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From the preliminary statement: “This case, brought by a class of people who are or will be on parole or supervised release in Washington, D.C., challenges the failure of the federal government’s post-conviction supervision system to accommodate individuals with disabilities as required by federal law.”

Investigation of Compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act at Leflore County, Mississippi, Juvenile Detention Center

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Dear Colleague Letter: Educational Needs of Students with Disabilities in Correctional Facilities

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Issue Brief: Using Developmentally Appropriate Language to Communicate with Court-Involved Youth

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For any young person, navigating the juvenile delinquency process can be daunting. Youth are required to understand, make decisions, and act on their rights and responsibilities in court. Yet courtinvolved youth are likely to face challenges that impact their ability to understand and participate in juvenile court. The legal jargon, abstract language, and complex terminology…

Resource Brief for Juvenile Defenders: What Juvenile Defenders Should Know about the DSM-5

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This resource brief is intended to support juvenile defense advocacy by providing an overview of some of the latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) revisions, as well as recommendations and implications for juvenile defense practice. The DSM is a classification manual for mental health professionals with itemized criteria for diagnosing disorders. Juvenile…

Template FASD Birth Mother Interview

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Washington Judicial Colloquies Project: A Guide for Improving Communication and Understanding in Juvenile Court

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Toward Developmentally Appropriate Practice: A Juvenile Court Training Curriculum – Overview

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Intended for juvenile court judges, defense attorneys, prosecutors, and probation staff, the curriculum provides in-depth training materials on the most up-to-date adolescent development research and its application to juvenile court practice. As a part of the MacArthur Foundation’s project, Models for Change: Systems Reform in Juvenile Justice, this curriculum is available to jurisdictions across the…

Affidavit of Dr. Larry Burd

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The Bill of Rights, Due Process and the Deaf Suspect/Defendant

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Special Education Advocacy Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): For Children in the Juvenile Delinquency System

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Competence to Waive Interrogation Rights and Adjudicative Competence in Adolescent Defendants: Cognitive Development, Attorney Contact, and Psychological Symptoms

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Doe v. Todd County School District Amicus Brief

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What’s Behind Behavior Matters: The Effects of Disabilities, Trauma and Immaturity on Juvenile Intent and Ability to Assist Counsel

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FASD Experts Rapid Screening Tool

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Brandon Montgomery v. District of Columbia – Opinion

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From the memorandum opinion: “Gary Montgomery, a mentally disabled man, was arrested in 2012 and charged with the murder of Deoni Jones. After five and a half years of incarceration pending trial, a jury found Montgomery not guilty. Montgomery’s amended complaint alleges that defendant District of Columbia violated his rights under Title II of the…

The Construction and Criminalization of Disability in School Incarceration

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This Article explores how race functions to ascribe and criminalize disability. It posits that for White students in wealthy schools, disabilities or perceived disabilities are often viewed as medical conditions and treated with care and resources. For students of color, however, the construction of disability (if it exists) may be a criminalized condition that is…

A Developmental Framework for Juvenile Disposition and Post-Disposition Advocacy

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An infographic outlining strategies for post-disposition advocacy.