Diversion Derailed

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From the executive summary: “This report offers recommendations for researchers, policymakers, diversion programs, and community organizations focused on diverting Black women, girls, trans and gender nonconforming people from criminal punishment systems. Our recommendations are based on an assessment of diversion programs through a Black feminist lens, which starts from the standpoint of the women and…

Black Girls and the Pipeline from Sexual Abuse to Sexual Exploitation to Prison

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From the introduction: “In this chapter, I consider the reciprocal effect of Black girls living within spaces and environments influenced by structural racism who are subjected to abuse at higher rates. I argue that there is a uniquely gendered and raced pipeline for these girls that warrants closer inspection. Here, I describe the pipeline that…

The Prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) in the Lives of Juvenile Offenders

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From the abstract: “The study of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and their negative repercussion on adult health outcomes is well documented. In a population of insured Californians, a dose-response relationship has been demonstrated among 10 ACEs and a host of chronic physical health, mental health, and behavioral outcomes. Less widely studied is the prevalence of…