Human Rights
This report details the results of the first-ever state-wide Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) survey administered to people currently incarcerated for crimes they committed as children (under eighteen). The trauma measured from ACEs surveys include physical, sexual, and emotional abuse; physical and emotional neglect; separation from parents; mental illness or substance abuse in the home; parent…
DOJ Letter To Kentucky Governor Regarding Detention Facility Investigation May 15, 2024
This research article explores the history of girls prosecuted as adults in courts across the United States. It explores the effects of childhood trauma and victimization on brain and physical development and the connection to involvement in the criminal legal system as children. The article describes the results of a survey of young women who…
This report details findings from the International Independent Expert Mechanism to Advance Racial Justice and Equality in Law Enforcement (The Expert Mechanism), who were appointed by the president of the Human Rights Council in 2021 with a mandate to examine the human rights of Black communities in the U.S. as they relate to police interaction…
From the introduction: “Although not a conviction for immigration purposes, a delinquency adjudication still can create problems for immigrants. Certain grounds of inadmissibility (bars to obtaining legal status) and deportability (loss of current legal status) do not depend upon conviction; mere “bad acts” or status can trigger the penalty. The following are commonly applied conduct-based…
From the introduction: “Addressing juvenile conduct in applications for immigration relief can raise legal and even ethical issues. Some questions advocates frequently have in the course of filing such immigration relief applications for their youth clients include: “What constitutes an arrest? What is a crime? Are youth treated differently than adults for purposes of criminal…