Benchcard on supporting LGBTQIA+ youth involved in the juvenile court system.
For any young person, navigating the juvenile delinquency process can be daunting. Youth are required to understand, make decisions, and act on their rights and responsibilities in court. Yet courtinvolved youth are likely to face challenges that impact their ability to understand and participate in juvenile court. The legal jargon, abstract language, and complex terminology…
The words we choose have a significant impact on the young people we serve. We may inadvertently use language laden with bias, disapproval, and negative judgment that can impact youths’ perceptions of themselves. Our language can also impact our own thinking and decision-making. In Part I of this guide, we hope to break down some…
The landmark case Miranda v. Arizona (1966), the United States Supreme Court required law enforcement agencies to advise all suspects of their “Miranda warnings,” or Constitutional protections, prior to interrogation. Previous research demonstrates that the Miranda warnings in the United States are largely unregulated and highlights how inadequate translations can impact comprehensibility. The present study…
Probation is the most common disposition in juvenile court when youth are adjudicated delinquent. In 2013, formal probation was ordered in 64% of adjudicated delinquency cases. Though intended to lead youth toward success, unwieldy conditions of probation can lead to technical violations and cause lasting harm in the lives of children, including removal from their…
An illustrated guide to the juvenile justice system.