A Checklist to Assess the Presence of a Constitutional Violation under 34 U.S.C. 12601

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This checklist can be used to assess the presence of constitutional violations throughout the course of a client’s case. Please refer to the National Youth Defense Systems Standards and their accompanying User Guide for litigation strategies to challenge potential constitutional violations noted in this checklist.

National Youth Defense System Standards User Guide

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This User Guide provides advocates with a step-by-step outline of how to actualize the vision of the National Youth Defense System Standards to equip and invest in youth defense teams to fight for the liberation of all youth. The User Guide outlines constitutional rights detailed in the System Standards, provides a checklist to assess the…

Deception in Place of Equal and Impartial Administration of Justice: The Use of Deception When Interrogating Juveniles

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Memorandum of Agreement Regarding the Juvenile Court of Memphis and Shelby County

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Early Access to Counsel in Police Precincts Data Collection Practices & Recommendations

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Early Access to Counsel in Police Precincts Best Practices and Recommendations

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Early Access to Legal Counsel for Youth: An Implementation Study of California Senate Bills 395 and 203

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Taking the Next Step in Miranda Evaluations: Considering Racial Trauma and the Impact of Prior Police Contact

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National Youth Defense System Standards

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Outlines steps that states must take to comply with the minimum requirements of the U.S. Constitution to protect the rights of youth facing deprivations of liberty.

JDB v. North Carolina

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A Critical Discussion of Youth Miranda Waivers, Racial Inequity, and Proposed Policy Reforms

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Sydney Baker et al., 29 Psychol. Pub. Pol’y & L. 320 (2023). This article is a call to action for the research community and advocates to engage youth and families with lived experience in the legal system in research on the impacts of race, development, and identity on youth interrogations. The authors detail the limitations…

San Francisco Youth Interrogation Ordinance

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California v. Male Client – Implied Waiver and Voluntariness (Appellant’s Opening Brief)

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United States Department of Justice Investigation of the Shelby County Juvenile Court

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Demanding a More Mature Miranda for Kids

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The Role of the Parent/Guardian in Juvenile Custodial Interrogations: Friend or Foe?

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Waving Good-Bye to Waiver: A Developmental Argument Against Youths’ Waiver of Miranda Rights

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California v. Male Client – Supplemental Motion to Suppress Statements

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The Comprehensibility and Content of Juvenile Miranda Warnings

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The Bill of Rights, Due Process and the Deaf Suspect/Defendant

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J.D.B. v. North Carolina Opinion

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J.D.B. v. North Carolina Amicus Brief

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Tennessee v. Barnes Amicus Brief

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South Dakota v. Diaz Amicus Brief

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Memorandum of Agreement Between the United States Department of Justice and the St. Louis County Family Court

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