Racial Justice
The Ten Core Principles for Providing Quality Delinquency Representation through Public Defense Delivery Systems provide criteria by which a public defense delivery system may fully implement the holding of In re Gault. These Principles offer guidance to public defense leaders and policymakers regarding the role of public defenders, contract attorneys, or assigned counsel in delivering…
Creates a case for holding states liable for abdicating their duty to ensure that all children have zealous representation.
Provides a framework for developing effective youth defense systems.
From the introduction: “During adolescence, physical and cognitive changes combine with new social contexts in ways that increase our sensitivity to belonging and earning respect from those around us. This heightened attention to our place in a wider social world motivates us to adapt to the more complex social demands of adulthood. Following are 5…
From the introduction: “During adolescence, we form a deeper sense of who we are, what we value, and who we want to be. Healthy development in adolescence involves creating a positive sense of self and belonging, based on our values and aspirations. Following are five facts about how we develop our values, goals, and identity…
The Court considers a question of first impression — whether a criminal defendant must be provided in-person interpreting services, rather than video remote interpreting (VRI) services, at his jury trial.
From the executive summary: “In considering what serves young people well, it is imperative that we address these systemic barriers and develop innovative strategies, leaving space for healing outside of and in tandem with the traditional mental health system. We must be expansive in our thinking about what supports and strengthens youth mental health –…
From the introduction: “As we mature during adolescence, exercising more responsibility and personal agency, we become less physically dependent on adult caregivers. Yet parents and other caring adults remain as important to our healthy development as when we were younger. Below are five facts about the important role parents and other caring adults continue to…
This resource is part of the Youth Defender Advocacy Program (YDAP) curriculum, a specialized trial advocacy training program for youth defenders.
This resource is part of the Youth Defender Advocacy Program (YDAP) curriculum, a specialized trial advocacy training program for youth defenders.
This resource is part of the Youth Defender Advocacy Program (YDAP) curriculum, a specialized trial advocacy training program for youth defenders.
This guide contains databases and webpages helpful to identify reliable statistics on race and ethnicity within the juvenile legal system. Some sources provide only national data, while others provide state and local data by jurisdiction.