School and Special Education

NAACP Legal Defense Fund Complaint (New York)

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Bellevue School District v. E.S. Opinion

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Doe v. Todd County School District Amicus Brief

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Defending Students who have been Stopped, Searched, or Interrogated at School

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School-based arrests have long made up a substantial number of cases in the juvenile legal system. As a result, youth defenders often represent clients who have been seized, searched, or interrogated on school grounds. This guide provides a general overview of the law governing school seizures, searches, and interrogations and practice tips for challenging evidence…

Juvenile Facilities Checklist For Defenders: Advocating for the Safety and Well-Being of Young People

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Youth facing time in both secure and non-secure facilities need vigilant advocates who can monitor the conditions of these facilities, and can either prevent the young person’s placement, limit the young person’s length of time in placement, and/or intervene on the young person’s behalf while they are at the placement. Juvenile defenders are ethically bound…

Education as Crime Prevention: Providing Education to Prisoners

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This research brief presents the most recent data on the impact of education on crime and crime prevention, and examines the debate on providing higher education to inmates.