NJDC’s Remarks at Players Coalition Press Conference

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On January 30th, 2019, the Players Coalition Charitable Foundation unveiled its 2019 plan to impact racial and social inequality and also announced its 2018-19 support of six national non-profit organizations at a press conference. Players Coalition Co-Founders Anquan Boldin and Malcolm Jenkins presented the Coalition’s direction for the next year. At the press conference, NJDC…

Where Are There Statewide Bans on Automatic Juvenile Shackling (2019)

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A list covering states that ban shackling young people and those that do not.

Eliminating Shackling in Juvenile Court: Continuing the Momentum (2019)

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A guide to states that ban indiscriminate shackling of young people and those that do not.

Motion for Child to Appear Free from Degrading and Unlawful Restraints (Florida)

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In re Amendments to the Tennessee Rules of Juvenile Procedure (2015)

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CAIJS Report on Shackling and Courtroom Safety (2016)

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Campaign Against Indiscriminate Juvenile Shackling Toolkit

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The Campaign Against Indiscriminate Juvenile Shackling (CAIJS), created in August 2014, works across the country to support advocates in their efforts to amend laws, court rules, policies and practices in their own states to end the automatic shackling of children in juvenile court. CAIJS is a project of the National Campaign to Reform State Juvenile…

Issue Brief-Campaign Against Indiscriminate Juvenile Shackling

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The Campaign Against Indiscriminate Juvenile Shackling (CAIJS), created in August 2014, works to support stakeholders, advocates, and policymakers in their efforts to amend laws, court rules, policies and practices in states to end the automatic shackling of children in juvenile court. The Campaign assists these groups in developing laws and policies that have a presumption…

Association of Prosecuting Attorneys Statement of Principles

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Alaska Shackling Reform Rule (2014)

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Utah Shackling Reform Bill 2015

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D.C. Administrative Order 15-07: Individual Determinations for the Use of Restraints on Respondents

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NCJFCJ Resolution Regarding Shackling of Children in Juvenile Court

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Hawaii Policy Limiting Shackling in Juvenile Court

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National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives Youth Shackling Statement

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ABA Resolution & Report on Indiscriminate Juvenile Shackling (2015)

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National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice Policy Statement on Indiscriminate Shackling of Juveniles in Court

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Child Welfare League of America Policy Statement: Juvenile Shackling

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Shackling Children in Court: Implications for Adolescent Development

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American Bar Association Resolution on Indiscriminate Juvenile Shackling

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CAIJS Shackling Reform Model Statute & Court Rule (2015)

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Model statute on shackling reform.

CAIJS Fact Sheet on Indiscriminate Juvenile Shackling

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Fact sheet on the use of shackling in youth court.

Shackling Children in Juvenile Court: The Growing Debate, Recent Trends, and the Way to Protect Everyone’s Interest

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Issue Brief-Ending the Indiscriminate Shackling of Youth

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In juvenile courts throughout the nation, children arrive, face full hearings, and depart weighed down by handcuffs, leg irons, and belly chains. They appear this way not because they pose a threat to others in the courtroom or are a flight risk but because most jurisdictions indiscriminately shackle all youth in juvenile court, often without…

Boulder County Policy for Limited Restraint on Children Policy

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