NJDC & Players Coalition team up to protect young people

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NJDC is proud to partner with the Players Coalition to eliminate barriers to that prevent young people from accessing their constitutional right to counsel.

Fees & Costs Judicial Training Webinar

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Devin McCourty – Support Youth Access to Counsel – NJDC

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New England Patriot Devin McCourty and Players Coalition team up with the National Juvenile Defender Center to raise awareness that far too many young people in juvenile court don’t ever get lawyers.

Anquan Boldin – The Cost of Justice for Youth

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“What we know is that when access to justice depends on a child’s ability to pay for their own defense, the disparities of class, race, and ethnicity are magnified.”

National Youth Defense System Standards

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Outlines steps that states must take to comply with the minimum requirements of the U.S. Constitution to protect the rights of youth facing deprivations of liberty.

J.D.B. v. North Carolina, 564 U.S. 261 (2011)

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The Importance of Early Appointment of Counsel in Juvenile Court

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NJDC Letter to Indiana Supreme Court in support of the Juvenile Appointment of Counsel Rule Amendment

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Waving Good-Bye to Waiver: A Developmental Argument Against Youths’ Waiver of Miranda Rights

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Competence to Waive Interrogation Rights and Adjudicative Competence in Adolescent Defendants: Cognitive Development, Attorney Contact, and Psychological Symptoms

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Young Offenders and Legal Competencies

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“You Have the Right to Keep Quiet”: Translation Inadequacies in Nevada’s Spanish Miranda Warning 

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The landmark case Miranda v. Arizona (1966), the United States Supreme Court required law enforcement agencies to advise all suspects of their “Miranda warnings,” or Constitutional protections, prior to interrogation. Previous research demonstrates that the Miranda warnings in the United States are largely unregulated and highlights how inadequate translations can impact comprehensibility. The present study…

Fees and Costs of Arizona’s Juvenile Justice System

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“Not once does the judge or probation officer explain how expensive it’s going to be if you plead guilty without an attorney… The probation officer that said, ‘it’s really expensive to have a lawyer,’ neglected to say ‘it’s really expensive to have a probation officer.’” – NJDC’s Legal Director, Tim Curry on children waiving the…

Ensuring Access: A Policy Advocacy Toolkit (2018)

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Access Denied found that “[n]o jurisdiction in the United States wholly fulfills the constitutional promise of justice for children.” So, no matter where you live and practice, your jurisdiction can improve. As juvenile defense advocates, we have a responsibility to identify and work to correct systemic deficiencies and to honor our clients’ dignity and well-being.…

ABA Waiver Resolution and Report

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