Have a Juvenile Record in Kansas?: Plan for Your Future

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As you move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this summary provides information about what obstacles may lie ahead and how to prepare yourself. The court and police paperwork about your juvenile court involvement is called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to come.…

Have a Juvenile Record in New Hampshire? Plan for Your Future!

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This summary provides information about what obstacles may lie ahead and how to prepare yourself as you move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system. Your juvenile record can affect your life for years to come. But you can still pursue your goals and build a bright future by understanding…

Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement: An Opportunity for Partnership

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A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in Indiana

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As you move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles may lie ahead and how to prepare yourself. The court and police paperwork about your case is called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to come. But you…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in New Mexico

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As you move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles may lie ahead and how to prepare yourself. The court and police paperwork about your case is called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to come. But you…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in Virginia

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As you move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles may lay ahead and how to prepare yourself. The court paperwork about your case is called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to come. But you can still…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in New Jersey

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As you move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles may lay ahead and how to prepare yourself. The court and police paperwork about your case is called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to come. But you…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in Ohio

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As you move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles may lay ahead and how to prepare yourself. The court and police paperwork about your case is called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to come. But you…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in Minnesota

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As you begin to move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles lay ahead and how to prepare yourself. The court and police paperwork about your case is called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to come. But…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in South Carolina

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As you begin to move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles lay ahead and how to prepare yourself for them. The court and police paperwork about your case are called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in Washington

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As you begin to move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles lay ahead and how to prepare yourself for them. The court and police paperwork about your case are called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in Missouri

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As you begin to move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles lay ahead and how to prepare yourself for them. The court and police paperwork about your case are called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to…

A Young Person Just Got Arrested: What Do You Do Within the First 24 Hours? (Brochure)

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Your Juvenile Record Can Affect Your Future Brochure

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A guide to frequently asked questions about juvenile court records.

Have a Juvenile Record in Maryland?: Tips for Answering Application and Interview Questions

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A Young Person Just Got Arrested: What Do You Do Within the First 24 Hours? (Poster)

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A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in Maryland

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As you begin to move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles lay ahead and how to prepare yourself for them. The court and police paperwork about your case are called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in California

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As you begin to move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles lay ahead and how to prepare yourself for them. The court and police paperwork about your case are called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to…

A Guide to Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Court Involvement in Nebraska

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As you begin to move forward with your life after being involved in the juvenile court system, this guide provides information about what obstacles lay ahead and how to prepare yourself for them. The court and police paperwork about your case are called your “juvenile record.” This record can affect your life for years to…

10 Tips For Building Effective Youth-Family-Defender Partnerships

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Infographic on building effective partnerships between defenders, clients, and families.

Generating a Revolution in Prevention, Wellness & Care for LGBT Children & Youth

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Juvenile Defense Attorneys and Family Engagement: Same Team, Different Roles

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The juvenile court system is a very complicated and confusing place for anyone who does not regularly work within it. Court involvement can be a extremely stressful process in which children and their families feel like they are being judged and imposed upon at every turn. For all the reasons outlined in this fact sheet,…

A Parent’s Guide to Juvenile Court (Maryland)

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I Got Arrested, Now What? Brochure for Clients (Maryland)

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What They Don’t Know Can Hurt Them: Mothers’ Legal Knowledge and Youth Re-Offending

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