Hidden Injustice: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth in Juvenile Courts
Hidden Injustice represents the first effort to examine the experiences of LGBT youth in juvenile courts across the country. The report is based on information collected from 414 surveys and 65 interviews with juvenile justice professionals, including judges, defense attorneys, prosecutors, probation officers, detention staff, and other juvenile justice advocates; focus groups and interviews of 55 youth who possess relevant firsthand experience; and an extensive review of relevant social science and legal research findings. The goals of this report are to:
1. Educate professionals working in the juvenile justice system about the continuing stigma against LGBT youth, the relevance of sexual orientation and gender identity in juvenile justice contexts, and the experiences of LGBT youth in the system;
2. Identify obstacles to fair and equitable treatment of LGBT youth in delinquency and status offense cases; and
3. Recommend concrete practice and policy reforms that will protect the rights of LGBT youth and ensure that the system responds effectively to them.